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Where Did They Put the Gestapo Headquarters? A Walking Tour of Nazi Occupied Paris: 1940 – 1944–Volume One



(without obtaining a ration card to survive)

Come walk in the footsteps of the men, women, and children who lived, worked, and died in Nazi-occupied Paris. Your walks will take you to buildings, places, and sites that were significant to the Nazis, French Resistance, Free French, the British, and most important, the citizens of Paris.

“Stew blends the dark history of buildings in Paris that are associated with the infamous deeds of the Gestapo with contrasting insights into the bravery of the French people, who, at great risk to themselves and their families, secretly resisted the German Occupation.”

⏤Squadron Leader Stanley Booker, MBE, RAF (Ret.), Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, Member: KLB Club

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Our new book, Where Did They Put the Gestapo Headquarters? A Walking Tour of Nazi-Occupied Paris, is also available for sale direct from Stew and Yooper Publications.

The price of the book is $24.95. All books sold directly will be autographed with a personal message.

For our domestic subscribers, we’ll pay the postage. For our international subscribers (and non-subscribers), the cost of postage will be added to the cost of the book. If you would like to own and read our new book, please contact Sandy directly at

Your review of the book on Amazon would be greatly appreciated (click here).

Although World War II and the German occupation of Paris occurred more than 75 years ago, these historical events are still fresh in our minds. France spent almost 40 years denying its role in the collaboration with the Nazis and in particular, the arrests and deportations of the French Jewish population. While the German occupation of Paris started out rather benignly in June 1940, within two years the city and its citizens were firmly in the grip of the tightening Nazi vise.

Coming Soon!

Where Did They Put the Gestapo Headquarters? A Walking Tour of Nazi Occupied Paris: 1940 – 1944–Volume Two


Where Did They Put the Gestapo Headquarters? A Walking Tour of Nazi Occupied Paris: 1940 – 1944–Volume Three


Nazi Berlin

Where Did They Put Führerbunker? A Walking Tour of Nazi Berlin (1933 – 1945)

The Treaty of Versailles imposed severe economic, military, and territorial burdens on Germany after World War I. The Weimar Republic was unpopular and blamed for many problems including hyper-inflation. On 30 January 1933, a former Austrian corporal, Adolf hitler, was appointed as chancellor. Berlin was rapidly transformed into the capitol city for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or simply, The Nazi Party. You will visit the buildings, sites, and places that were significant to the Nazis and these Third Reich. Although Berlin was severely damaged by Allied bombs and the Soviet army, there are many places to visit including Wilhelmstrasse, the original Reich Aviation Ministry, the “Topography of Terror”, the memorial to those murdered under the Nazi euthanasia program, Bebelplatz where more than 20,000 books were bused one night, the New Synagogue (one of only a handful of Berlin synagogues to survive Kristallnacht), and of course, the site of the former Führerbunker.

Where Did They Bury Jim Morrison, the Lizard King? A Walking Tour of Curious Paris Cemeteries


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